Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 1

So I'm in Amsterdam and I've done nothing but sit on my behind all day long. The dinner on the plane was not bad. It was terraki chicken with rice, carrots, salad, and crackers. I did a little homework and watched Kung Fu Panda. Amsterdam airport is ok. I thought the Detroit airport was better because it had a tram that ran back and forth that was bright red and really hard to miss. Amsterdam is the first European county I've been in and the airport isn't all that great. I'm leaving for Kenya in about 2 hours and 15 min. I'll be on the plane until 7:40 pm in Kenya, which is Monday morning in Denver. So far the trip's been great and the flights have been boring.

More to come on Monday.


1 comment:

Judy said...

We LOVED hearing from you and glad you made your connection in Detroit to Amsterdam. Sorry Mom lost her glasses. You REALLY must take better care of her. She "ain't" gettin' any younger. :-) As I type this you must be about to touch down in Kenya. Can't wait to hear from you both.
Love ya,
Grandma J