Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 5


Today we started by going back to the school and sorting through all of the suitcases that we brought. Lets just say that it was a lot of stuff. There was stuff all over the table. After we sorted it all out I handed out toys to a lot of the kids and they were very happy. We gave all the stuff to the teachers and they were also very pleased. Then after we sorted through all that stuff we went to a different school and brought them stuff. They were also very happy. We saw a well that a man was digging by hand and it was about 12 meters deep. They plan to dig it to 30 meters. Then we went and saw the chicken coups and the cow shed. The cows were stolen when all the violence was going on and the chickens were hit with a disease, so a lot of them were gone to. After that we went and shopped for the kids at Humble Hearts. We bought boots and backpacks, and socks. Then we dove back to the hotel and got stuck in a ton of traffic.

To speak in terms of food again, I had the same stuff for breakfast that I had yesterday. Then for lunch I had a zone bar and peanuts. For dinner we went out to eat and had chicken quesidillias. They were very good.

That is all for now but check back for more.


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